Being asked to take a personality assessment as part of the job interview process can be intimidating. On the other hand, most of us would probably jump at the opportunity to take a free career test that was for our eyes only!

Here are 3 free career tests you can take to help you be sure you’re following the right career path:

I went through Careerfitter’s 60 question assessment within a few minutes, and didn’t agonize over my answers. This seemed to be the most straight forward of all the career tests. Questions were specific to workplace dynamics and how you would describe your personality within certain scenarios. Surprisingly, I was shocked by how accurately it described my general work personality. It was so accurate I almost splurged for the full 10-page report…almost.

The Predictive Index

Admittedly we give this assessment to prospective employees at my company. Atrium uses this as an exercise to help find a baseline profile of our own staff and all internal employees are asked to take it. Again, I was floored by how accurate this was. The test took less than 5 minutes and, unlike other tests where you answer specific questions about various workplace scenarios, you are asked to circle words from a list that best describe you. Then from that same list, you’re asked to circle the words that you think others would use to describe you. The test then measures against four main characteristics to best determine your work style and also helps in managing team dynamics.

The Holland Code

Don’t believe a five-minute assessment can be accurate? Then the Holland Code is for you. With over 80 questions and an average of 20 minutes to complete, you’ll be asked all sorts of questions that you think aren’t even remotely relevant. But the Holland Code has been tested for accuracy against established interest scales. It is set up to test your level of interest in various tasks, from repairing a dishwasher to designing a magazine cover. As a result, you’ll learn about your areas of interest as it relates to your career. You’ll receive your professional areas of interest as well as a list of careers that you’re best suited for.