Digital Detox

Stop. Don’t fight it any longer – it’s time. Time to commit to take that much needed break. Time for a Digital Detox.

When setting out on your digital detox journey, you must make a conscious decision to no longer let devices consume you. With our lives so deeply embedded in the digital world, staring at screens on a daily basis can be mentally draining.

According to recent research from dscout, people tap, swipe, and click an average of 2,617 times per day. While other studies have shown that technology can directly contribute to feelings of stress, depression and anxiety.

We’re sharing some of the top results you can achieve after completing a Digital Detox:

Reduced Stress

Sometimes we stress about the things we think we need to do rather than focusing on the necessities. When we’re constantly comparing ourselves to others, the list becomes endless in an effort try and keep up. Additionally, there’s a ton of information being served to us at one time and that can get super overwhelming. As a result, it becomes harder to take the time to truly process or retain anything without being distracted by the next.

Deeper Friendships and Mindfulness

What if you swapped staring at a screen and shooting out texts for picking up the phone to call someone instead? This could be a great first step. As you advance deeper in your detox and find ways to implement permanent solutions or strategies, you reduce your reliance on devices. When we become “unplugged” we’re more open to causal conversation and can focus on being present.


Increased Productivity and Efficiency

For most, it’s impossible to avoid a computer all together during the work week. However, we can all afford to take a timeout from our phones, which is yet just another screen to stare at. Disconnect from the distractions it’s causing and take a break from constantly multitasking. Give your to-do list extra love and your full attention. Now, you can focus on the one task at hand. When you look back, you’ll see completed tasks, rather than time wasted.

Time to Think

A digital detox provides you with time to think about desired changes, recommitments, or to think freely and mindlessly. Disconnecting provides more time for you. Being detached from your device gives you the ability to think through problems and find solutions (without searching Google). A distraction-free opportunity will open your mind and allow you to be more creative. You’ll solidify your ideas and determine ways to implement them.

If you’re looking for a day by day detox guide, check out this 30 Day Challenge.

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