
#AtriumAsks: Mark Jannini Shares 6 Coworker Quotes that Inspire Teamwork.

1. Cohesion Sets Teams Apart.

Setting a foundation of a light, energized environment is key to a successful work environment. There is a lot going on right now across the globe. It is important to keep a healthy balance of understanding the seriousness of current events, while also not bringing too many stresses to work. Your job already has its stressful moments. There is no need to dwell on the small things at work. Keep it light, keep it fun, and share meaningful experiences!

Your team vibe is important. Make sure you are drafted to the best team for you! If you’re not happy in your current work environment, find a work culture better suited for you.

Sharing stories and experiences is what team building is all about.

My colleague, Greg McBride, says “The best thing about our team is unity. My coworkers’ strengths counterbalance my weaknesses and vice versa. I appreciate that we can lean on one another personally and professionally. We know how to keep it light­—with the exception of my food portions!”

2. Conversation Keeps Us Connected.

Are you are feeling run-down? Unmotivated? Perhaps you just need a break. Believe it or not, there are productive ways to pause. Connect with a coworker. Shooting a quick call or message to a colleague can humanize your work. Conversation is energizing. And, collaborating with your peers can make projects more engaging.

Whether it’s “Wait, your sister just had a baby, right? How is she doing?” or totally generic about the weather, take a moment to connect with your teammates. It can reinvigorate your energy. And, motivation is exactly what helps us achieve our goals. You never know where a conversation could lead you. Learning about your coworker’s preferences/interests keeps you connected with your team.

Sometimes we give ourselves mixed signals.

My friend, Carly Rosenthaler’s advice is “Take needed breaks.” Which is often followed by her sentiment “Be productive.” Take it from these coworker quotes, we need both! Understand what works best for you. Then, create a pattern that allows you to schedule downtime. As long as you know when you need to pick up the pace, take a break!

3. Learning it Forward Reaps Bigger Rewards.

We all work together for a reason. Perhaps it goes without saying, but we share core values with our teams. It’s natural for us to want to work together rather than alone. With that being said, it can be easy to get caught-up with your specific division’s goals. However, our newly remote environment is giving us the opportunity to take a step back and assess how we can contribute to the bigger picture. There is even greater collaboration and problem solving. We are pivoting away from our normal routines and thinking of new ways to reach our goals. We are sharing new strategies, WFH tips and wellness tricks with each other.

I’m learning so much from my coworkers, especially over these past six weeks. We help candidates every day, and we love it! That’s why we’re here-to help! But it’s also truly satisfying to help team members. I am grateful for the resources we are sharing with one another. It’s more important than ever to leverage your coworkers as a resource. Don’t forget to share your resources in return–especially with those who are still learning about your company. Whether you are sharing materials or helping build better processes and efficiencies, be sure to share your wisdom and motivation with others.

What can you share?

One of my favorite coworker quotes comes from Caitlin Dwyer who says, “Be a resource. “I’m realizing now more than ever how satisfying it is to help my own team members.” She walks the walk, because Caitlin is a valuable resource, indeed! She challenges our team to be that rock for others. On that note, I’d like to share these free resources for personal development with you.

4. Commend Your Coworkers.

Businesses are taking a hard hit right now. As we all try to stabilize, it is important to recognize the success you’re making along the way. It is easy for companies to look at results, but what drives results is motivation. Help your teammates grow their confidence. Building each other up in a time of uncertainty increases morale and creates even greater success for your team. Maybe you know of a few coworker quotes that inspire teamwork. If so, commend your colleagues and share your success stories.

Celebrate together.

The ever-inspiring Micaela Burke, a Talent Manager for fashion & retail, recently shared with me, “My coworkers are the pillars that hold me up, especially during this unpredictable time. When we take the time to celebrate small wins together, it keeps us chugging forward. Big or small, we celebrate. My coworkers are a huge part of why I continue to show up and commit 100% to what I do. We are all in this together.”

5. Be There for Each Other.

Coworkers are teammates! Just because we are not currently sharing an office space right now doesn’t mean we aren’t still a solid unit. We are all riding out the same storm together. We may not be in the exact same boat. When you are in a good headspace, you are a better teammate. Proactively checking-in with your teammates goes a long way. Feeling isolated or lonely can cause rapid burnout. Make sure your colleagues feel supported.

Know when to lead.

New York Division Manager, Jenna Gaston, who is both GREAT and graceful says, “Don’t underestimate the power of a daily check in. A simple, ‘how are you doing?’ can make all the difference! We should be there for each other professionally as well as personally and make mental health a priority. It’s important to remember that even though we are all dealing with similar struggles not everyone is experiencing the same roller coaster of emotions on a day-to-day basis.”

6. Grow Patience and Trust.

We are a team. But we are also individuals. Successfully leveraging your team’s strengths starts with understanding each unique team member’s talent. So, make sure you get to know what that means to your teammates both personally and professionally. Good relationships are built on a foundation of trust. To sustain a healthy team dynamic while respecting each individual team member, patience is a must.

Recognize core values.

When it comes to being a fearless leader, Chelsey Crowe from our Boston office knows a thing or two. She says, “Our new circumstances have left most people feeling uneasy, anxious and even stir-crazy. We are not only continuing to be patient and trusting of those around us but also must be patient and trusting of our own abilities. Whether it’s your own internal team, management, medical workers or our public leaders, we are trusting in the exceptional network of people around. We must believe in the human spirit and our own core values in order to persevere.”

Take it personally! What can you do? Do you even know who you are working with? Everyone has their own personal struggles right now. What are your coworkers living situations? Take each other’s personal lives into consideration and try to alleviate stress wherever possible. And if ever in doubt, re-read these coworker quotes to motivate your team.
